Feb 27, 2008

So sick of sickies!

Last week there were 2 different stomach bugs running rampant through our house. Everybody except me got hit with one of them, Gabriel got both of them and Jacob may have had both of them too. In fact, Todd was going to take me a really romantic date Friday night but Gabe threw up while I was picking up the babysitter! But by Sunday everyone was healthy...until today.

Cadence was complaining about her tummy and wouldn't eat breakfast. It turns out she has a pretty good fever. I taught math and history today with her laying in my arms (like a little baby) and sometime in the middle of math functions she fell asleep. Her ever loving brothers prepared the couch for her so that I could lay her down. Then when she woke up Gabe brought her a choice of stuffed animals and read to her until she fell back asleep. It was quite possibly the sweetest thing that I have ever seen, but I didn't get to the camera in time to get a picture of it.

I felt so bad for her that I was compelled to burn a cd of show tunes for her to listen to while she lays there all pathetic. She loves "Do a deer" or "the song from the frog movie" as she calls it - her favorite part in the Sound of Music involved the kids and a frog. After all the good Sound of music songs there was still lots of space on the disc so I added some stuff from My Fair Lady. Right now she is yelling to me about how much she likes the song about the English "Why Can't the English?" This is her laying on the couch, listening to her cd and occasionally nibbling on a Ritz cracker.

I just hope that everyone is healthy by this weekend, as we have an exciting surprise planned for them Sunday morning!


Sheri said...

AHHHHH....feel better soon!

She is super cute, even when sick!:(

charmed1 said...

I hate that type of sickies! I would take anything over that. Too bad you couldn't catch that kodak moment :( It's so cute when kids do things like that. Mine do that every once in a while. I bet you loved her falling asleep in your arms. It's one of my favorite things about being a mom. Hope everyone is better soon :)