Jun 14, 2008

How to Find a Good Wife

This morning at breakfast, Gabriel and Cadence were talking about growing up. Gabriel said to Cadence, "Well I already know one way to find out if a wife will be a good wife or a bad wife." Now that was a statement that perked my interest... at least once when I have discussed growing up with Gabe, he has expressed concern about finding a wife. I told him how he should make sure he finds a good woman who loves God, loves him and will be a good helper and friend to him. But that was a long time ago, and I was wondering what piece of that conversation he had remembered...

As I listened carefully, Gabriel went on to share his knowledge with his sister: "If a wife has a mean face, she is a bad wife. But if she has a smile then she is good. That is one way I know to tell if she is good or bad." So if you want to be a good wife, go smile at your husband! (who knows where that could lead...)


Sheri said...

I love it!!!! Granted as moms we want them to look for more, but I love the innocence! Also there is probably something to be said about smiling more and having a nice face towards our husbands!:) Maybe he's onto something!:)

charmed1 said...

That's an interesting outlook he has. I think smiling at our husbands may get us into trouble ;)

david santos said...

Really beautiful.
Happy day