Jan 15, 2009

A taste of my life...

I realize I have once again gone far too long without a post. It's just that this whole parenting/homeschooling thing can be rather draining. But I thought you might like a little taste of what my days have been like lately, so here you go.

My little ones have been trying to kill each other all morning. Unfortunately, this is becoming rather common. Every few minuets one of them comes down and tells me about the injury received at the hand of an evil sibling. But sometimes they tell on each other for other things, too. I tolerate tattling, because most of the time someone needs to know what Cadence is doing - the child is super devious.

At one point this morning, Gabe came down and announced "Cadence had something in her mouth and she says it's candy."

This concerned me for two reasons. First of all, Cadence is forever putting little things in her mouth, and that could be dangerous. Second, Cadence is devious and has been known to sneak candy on several occasions. When I called her down to question her, she promptly explained herself to me.

"It wasn't candy, mom! It was a booger."

Oh, okay. Crisis averted. Carry on, then.


Luke Holzmann said...



Sheri said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhh, kelly- is that what I have to look forward too!!!:) Well, we may be there- Sammy already tried to pull B out of his exersaucer so he can play with the noisy toys...etc.....ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Anyways thanks for your kind note:) you are right about the kissing.....:)