Jan 29, 2009

Please Vote!

If you are reading this, please vote. Even if you don't usually comment or don't know us or whatever. Jacob, my 4th grader, is writing a report about polar bears. Part of his writing process was to write two or three good introduction sentences or "hooks" and then ask people to vote for the best one. So here they are:

1. Most people think polar bears are white, but they aren't.

2. Here are some facts about polar bears.

3. Polar bears are big yellow bears that live in the Arctic and are close to extinction.

This will help make the writing process more fun for him, which we need because he really doesn't like to write. Just leave a comment telling us which number you think is best. Thanks!!!!


Unknown said...

#1 is the best. I am always interested when someone tells me something I don't expect.
When will you publish Jacob's story of polar bears?

JB said...

I'm a fan of #1. Go with that one.

Luke Holzmann said...

#1 is a great "hook" sentence. And getting your audience interested is super important. #1 has my vote!


charmed1 said...

#1 works for me,too. I always thought polar bears were white. I hate being wrong!

Sheri said...

I don't know if I am too late but I say number 1!!!!