Feb 3, 2009

2nd Place

Last weekend, Jacob competed in AWANA Bible quizzing. This was his second year quizzing, and it something that he really enjoys. Him and his partner competed against 9 or 10 other teams from area churches. They started studying before Christmas, and Jacob missed many Giants games for quiz practice.

Last year, our AWANA club took first place in every bracket. They did really well this year, but I think that there was a little disappointment that they didn't sweep like last year. Jacob and his partner tied for first place with another team. According to the rules, a tie is broken by giving 5 extra points to the team who scored highest on the written portion of the quizzing (each kid takes their own written quiz and the team's score is a combination of all written/oral quizzing). Unfortunately, Jake's team did better on the oral stuff :(

So his team took second place. That was especially disheartening as our club took second on a tie breaker two or three times this year! I really don't like that rule, but I guess there isn't a much better way to settle a tie. And as I pointed out to Jacob, that rule would have been just fine if he had gotten the first place medal. And I am still really proud of him. It was exciting to watch all his hard work pay off!


JB said...

Second place can stink when you've worked so hard at it...but you've got quite the smartie there. I'm pretty sure he could kick my butt! I know you're so proud of your braniac kids.

Sheri said...

I think memorizing is hard work! Second place is great!!!!! I probably wouldn't have done as good!:)