May 11, 2010

Ethan is Six Months Old

I can't believe he's six months old. He's trying really hard to crawl but he usually goes backwards... and he looks kind of like an inch worm when he does it. He loves all the attention he gets from his brothers and sisters and is a pretty happy baby. Here are some pictures that I took of him today (Both of the other boys wore the hat Ethan has on in their 6 month pictures).

May 10, 2010

Busy Weekend

This weekend was a busy one, but a good one! Friday was field trip day in Albany. We visited the USS Slater, a destroyer escort from World War II. The kids even got to work the guns! The boys really enjoyed learning about life on board the USS Slater.

We also stopped at the New York State Museum where Jacob got to see an old elevator, the construction site of a skyscraper (things we just studied) and a 9-11 memorial exhibit. Then on Saturday the kids got their AWANA awards! As usual their feelings were mixed between excitement over the awards and sadness that AWANA is done for the year. They all did a great job, and we even brought lots of friends with us to AWANA this year.

May 6, 2010

Playing around

The kids wanted to take a couple of pictures with the Mac today, and I thought I would share them.And here were are comic book style!

Apr 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We are having a pretty relaxing Resurrection Day here. After church we came home and let the kids have their baskets and do an egg hunt. Then we went to my Aunt's house for Easter dinner and another egg hunt.
We are so grateful for all that God has done for us, and most of all for His Son!

Mar 15, 2010

It's Been 2 Months...

since I last posted. I spend most of my time walking around in a haze. I always mean to post, but rarely feel like I have the mental capacity to do so. Can you guess who still isn't sleeping well at night? It's wonder that school gets done every day. Or at least most days.

In spite of my fogginess I am enjoying this stage of life. The older kids are getting pretty independent. Jacob is really beginning to develop opinions and ideas of his own (like what music he likes). Gabriel and Cadence entertain each other really well most days. And everyone loves having Ethan around.

Ethan is 4 months old now. He is still a pretty serious baby, but he is very easy going, too. He recently started eating cereal, and it is not helping him sleep any better. He has rolled over a few times, but he isn't doing it consistently yet.

Jan 11, 2010

2 months old

Ethan is two months old. It is already hard to remember what life was like without him. He's weighing in at 11lbs, 11oz, and is in the 70th percentile for height. (How did we manage to make another tall one?) He's doing great except for a little trouble with reflux which we now have a prescription for.

I'm pretty sure he is the most spoiled baby on the planet. Every time he fusses one of the other kids is right there to entertain him. Entertainment is provided by...

Jacob the super tall

(That's 4'9 and1/2" and growing)

Gabriel the stuffy
(Him and his daddy are convinced that hanging a tissue out your nose will help clear it)

and Cadence the toothless.

(At 4 and a half she already lost two teeth.
And no one has even punched her in the face lately!)

This is classic Ethan...he always looked a little worried.

and the only way I could get a smiling picture was to put him in his seat with his turtle.