Mar 15, 2010

It's Been 2 Months...

since I last posted. I spend most of my time walking around in a haze. I always mean to post, but rarely feel like I have the mental capacity to do so. Can you guess who still isn't sleeping well at night? It's wonder that school gets done every day. Or at least most days.

In spite of my fogginess I am enjoying this stage of life. The older kids are getting pretty independent. Jacob is really beginning to develop opinions and ideas of his own (like what music he likes). Gabriel and Cadence entertain each other really well most days. And everyone loves having Ethan around.

Ethan is 4 months old now. He is still a pretty serious baby, but he is very easy going, too. He recently started eating cereal, and it is not helping him sleep any better. He has rolled over a few times, but he isn't doing it consistently yet.