Jun 22, 2007

Check Up

I took Cadence in for her 2 year checkup today (a little late, I know). The doctor kept saying how cooperative she was - doctors are the only people that child cooperates for! After he measured her, he looked at me and said "She's in the 75th percentile for height - where did that come from?" He said she will probably slow down as she gets older, but there is a chance that she could end up taller than Gabe. Poor Gabe, at least he has big brains...Anyways, Cadence is in the 50th% for her weight, and everything is looking good.

In other news, I'll be leading worship tonight for the first time in a long time. I've decided to jump back into it and see where it takes me. I no longer feel like it is something that I need to do, or that it is my primary goal in life. But I love to do it, so here it goes.

On the Jacob front, we found a lawyer and are meeting with him next Thursday. He mentioned that we will need to have a home study done and I will need to adopt my own son. It seems ridiculous to me, but I guess NY State laws are pretty antiquated on the adoption front.


charmed1 said...

Nothing like having to adopt your own kid! I hope this all works out for you guys. You must be feeding Cadence miracle grow :)

Sheri said...

Hey Kelly, yes the zoo is great....especially as a gift!:)

Good for you for leading worship again- I remember you loved it....I hope that it was a good experience for you....

Its been quite the road for you guys with Jacob it sounds....but looks like things are going ok? i am sure it will be better when things are settled....