Aug 19, 2007

"Deep Thoughts" by Gabe

About a week ago, we were talking to the kids about kindness as we are working our way through the fruits of the spirit. I chose the story of the Good Samaritan to illustrate kindness for the kids, and today our pastor used the Good Samaritan story, and it reminded me of our little family Bible time...
I was going through the text, and explaining each part in a way the kids could understand - the priest is like a pastor, the Levite is like a worship leader or other helper in the church, the Samaritans and Jews were enemies, the man had been beaten up and stripped of his clothes by "bad guys" on the very dangerous road. We always ask lots of questions during a Bible lesson, to make sure the kids are following us. So as was explaining how the Samaritan came upon the Jew and maybe didn't want to help his enemy, I asked my children "What do you think the Samaritan was thinking when he first saw the Jewish man on the side of the road?"
Gabriel promptly replied (in a serious tone) with "He was thinking 'That guy should get some clothes on!'".
Well, that wasn't exactly the answer I was looking for, but yeah, that could definitely have been the first thing the Samaritan thought....


charmed1 said...

Leave it to a kid to come up with that one :)