Jan 21, 2009

School Thoughts

I have spent the better part of my afternoon pricing curriculum options for next year (when I should have spent it writing my 2nd quarter report for THIS year). And it seems that, just like everything else, these kids get more expensive to educate the older they get!

What I dream about doing is ordering a complete curriculum from Sonlight, so I don't have to make library runs all year for school books... but our library has so many of this years books that it would double the cost of my core curriculum. Grrr! I know, I should be grateful for all the books that are available to us. But I know that most of them are really, really good books that Jacob would read over, and over, and over if they were on the shelves of our house.

It strikes me as odd that while I am feeling burned out about this year, I am all excited about next year. Why is it so much fun to by new school books???

Actually, I guess I am a little excited about what we're doing right now, too. We are breaking from the curriculum to do a more in depth study of the French and Indian War. Of course, I thought a field trip or two would be in order, since much of the battles happened within a days drive of us... but wouldn't you know that most of the forts in the northeast (including the one we have a membership to) are closed until mid May, by which time we will be well past the Revolutionary War.

And speaking of bad timing, I (and, consequently, my children) totally missed what will probably be one of the most significant historic events of my lifetime yesterday. I was shopping for running pants while the rest of the world watched Obama take his oath. Ooops! Can you believe they let me homeschool my kids????


Luke Holzmann said...

The beautiful thing about missing major world events the first time is that the internet retains them all for you [smile]. And, reruns are quite common when news stations have nothing else to show...

May you find the perfect balance for your family's needs when it comes to curriculum. May God provide what you need, be it the money to purchase the books or the time and transport to your library.


Sheri said...

ahhhhhhhhhh, I hear you I missed it to b/c we were at OT but its on teh internet ......

They do get more and more expensive don't they! YIKES They are worth it though:) Glad you are having fun loooking towards next year too

charmed1 said...

From what I hear you didn't miss much. The guy that was swearing him in screwed up and they had to do it again later that nite. Figures!