Apr 14, 2009


Look at me, back here blogging again so soon! I might just get myself back in the habit! I thought I would share some of our Easter celebration here. We started the day just like any other Sunday, and headed to church early. I am not a fan of all the "special" hoopla that goes on in church during the holidays, and thankfully, neither are out pastors! There was nothing "special" about our service, other than more focus on resurrection than you may find on other weeks. But there was a video testimony that I thought was pretty can check it out here (near the bottom of the page). It is so great to see God changing lives right in our midst.

After church we went to visit my sister, and spent the night near her house. Todd had Monday off, so we had a mini vacation. It was great spending time with family, and on the ranch there were lots of beautiful reminders that spring is here (even if the weather is still cold).

We set up our own little egg hunt for the kids when we got to our hotel. The setting was gorgeous. You may notice from the photos that we are short one kid - Jacob is down in SC with his grandparents until next weekend.

The ranch currently has a baby horse and some new lambs. My kids were amazed that a baby horse could be bigger than they are. They also got pony rides, played in the hay barn, and saw all the other animals at the ranch. Of course the cats are their favorite, because you know, cats are just so special...


Sheri said...

Wow! The horse picture is AWESOME!!!!

JB said...

Yay, you for blogging! Love the pics.