Sep 28, 2009

A Busy Fall

Here we are, well settled into a school routine and enjoying a beautiful New York fall! Life has been busy but largely uneventful. School is going well with all three kids. Jacob is learning about 19th century American History, decimal points and diagramming sentences. Gabriel is learning about multiplication, and Cadence is making great strides as she learns to read and count past 10.

At the beginning of September we went apple picking, which goes a heck of a lot faster than it did a couple of years ago. We picked a bushel and a half of apples in about half an hour, and then bought a few more bushels of "seconds". With all of those apples we completed our first "getting ready for baby" project - making 39 quarts of applesauce!

"Getting read for baby" is something I keep thinking about, and talking about, but not doing. Two or three times I have started to clean out the corner where a bassinet needs to go in our room, but I never quite finish and then the corner ends up full of stuff again. There are 37 days left until my due date. I did manage to fill out all the hospital paperwork and go to the Birthplace for an orientation the other day... that kind of helped with the reality of how close we are to having four kids. I plan to finish cleaning out our room today...


Sheri said...

woo hoo! Baby is coming soon!