Nov 1, 2007


Monday night we carved our pumpkins. Gabriel and Cadence both quickly decided that scooping guts out of pumpkins is gross, and they didn't want to do it. Jacob, on the other hand, seemed to really enjoy it and he wanted to scoop everyone's pumpkin. We made an executive decision not to roast the pumpkin seeds, since Todd and I both have childhood memories of our moms making the pumpkin seeds and us really not liking them.

As Halloween was drawing near, the kids watched Lord of the Rings. Cadence fell in love with Gollum, and wanted to be nothing else for Halloween. Gabriel got on that bandwagon and was going back and forth between a hobbit and Legolas. I wanted him to be a hobbit because I always call him my little hobbit. He used have curls, he is short, and he likes to eat 8 meals a day - just like a hobbit. But, I was sad to discover that they do not make Gollum costumes for children... Furthermore, there were no Lord of the Rings costumes to be found in Syracuse and to buy them online would run me about $40 each after shipping.

Todd in all his wisdom was able to convince Cadence to be the fighting princess in Lord of the Rings. Gabriel settled on Legolas, and Jacob agreed to go along with the theme and be Aragorn. I made Cadence's dress and Jacob's costume. For Gabriel I found a used costume on ebay that included the Legolas wig.

Cadence may have agreed to be a princess for Halloween, but she still loves Gollum. Often when Todd and I call her, she doesn't answer the first time and after two or three times she will say "I'm not Cadence, I'm Gollum." So we say "Gollum, come here" and she runs right over. She plays Gollum all the time. Several mornings she had taken off her pajamas and run around the house naked before I had a chance to get her dressed- I thought this was because she likes to be naked. When I try to dress her she tells me "Gollum doesn't wear clothes" which is true. See, just a loin cloth...So I assumed this her way of trying to stay naked as long as possible. But the other day I caught her taking the pajamas. I asked her to wait because I couldn't get her dressed right then. She said "Gollum doesn't wear pajamas!" And she doesn't fuss about wearing underwear, "Gollum does wear underwear." I have decided that it isn't so much about being naked as it is about embracing the role of Gollum. Naked Gollum uses pillows for her house too - I'm not sure how this relates to the movie, but she does it every day.


Sheri said...

Very cute! I love the first picture:) And your youngest looks like you with blond curls:)