Nov 27, 2007


Today Todd went back to work after a 5 day weekend. Today the dog vomited on the carpet while I was in the shower. Today the dog ran away (again). Today the dog came home (I didn't chase her) covered in some animal's poop less than an hour before we had to leave for a doctors appointment. Today Cadence pooped all over the bathroom floor, down the back of her pants and made a trail through the hallway because she couldn't hold it anymore.

All of this before noon! As I was cleaning up the poop, I thought - why couldn't this day have happened yesterday when Todd was home to help deal with it? What did I do to deserve - but my conscience would not let me finish that thought. Because I was asking what I had done to deserve being stuck cleaning poop on the floor and I realized that "what I deserve" is much worse than cleaning poop off the floor, and what I have is far beyond a pile of poo. I have a cute little house that is warm and safe. I am married to a man that adores me and the 3 beautiful, intelligent children that we have. We do not know hunger, we have running water, and on and on the list goes, culminating with "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions." Eph. 2:4-5

So I am thankful for today in all of its chaos as it serves to remind me of the grace and mercy of God as he has given me much, much more than I ever deserved!


charmed1 said...

I hear you hon. I have had plenty of those kind of days. We just hang in there and keep going...somehow.

Sheri said...

:)Very true!