I have been meaning to post these pictures all week, but I have been more or less consumed with my term paper, which I finished yesterday - 3 whole hours before I had to hand it in! It isn't that I waited until the last minuet to get started, the paper was half done weeks ago. It is just that I write best under pressure so once I knew what I wanted to write about I stopped writing until the end was very near.
But now that monkey is off my back. And here are a few pictures from Jacob and Cadence's birthdays. This year was the first time Jacob wanted his own birthday party (their birthdays are only 5 days apart). I don't know why he didn't want a princess cake!
I gave Jacob a choice between having a "themed" party with family and taking a friend to Chuck E. Cheese (the trip to Chuck E. Cheese cost a little less than the TMNT cake). He decided to take his friend to Chuck E. Cheese, but his friend ended up sick, so the family went to Chuck E. Cheese. A few days later he went and played laser tag with his friend. One thing that I learned was NEVER go to Chuck E. Cheese on a Saturday afternoon. That place was a madhouse - we usually go at weird times (since I make up my own schedule) like Tuesday morning when all the kids are in school. He wanted chocolate cake with fudge frosting, and we had Grandma and Nate over to have cake with us.
Aside from some cool presents, he got $100 for his birthday. He has been planing for months to take the family out to dinner when he could afford it. He wanted to take us to Old Country Barfett (his favorite restaurant) but they recently went out of business. His second choice was Friendly's. I tried and tried to talk him out of it, but that just made him mad. I suggested cheaper places, places we had coupons for, just take everyone for ice cream. But he was insistent - he didn't care if it wiped him out (after savings, tithe, and putting money away for his trip with Dad in the fall). So he put up over $40 to take us all out to dinner. He has a very sweet and generous heart!
Cadence wanted a princess cake, but every day she wanted a princess. The day I bought the candle, it was Cinderella. Grandma and Nate came over again, and Cadence had a great time eating pizza (her all time favorite food) and opening her presents. For some reason, we have a lot more pictures of her than we do of Jacob. She was very excited to get a guitar from Bobby and Nanny, and she also enjoyed all of her presents that had anything to do with princesses. Thankfully, the Disney Princesses have replaced Gollum. Each morning I have to play "guess which princess name Cadence will answer to today." Giselle from Enchanted is probably her favorite. She is totally obsessed with that movie. Todd tells her "Your my best Giselle" and she tells Todd "Your my best Robert!" (the handsome man Giselle falls in love with).