Oct 23, 2008

Where have I been?

I know, it has been a long time since I posted. It is fall, and fall is pretty busy around here! I have managed to keep up with my blog reading (for the most part), but I rarely even take time to comment. I have to hurry up and read through them in the morning before this starts:

Daily Schedule
8:30 Morning Chores
8:45 Bible/History/Poetry/Lang. Arts

9:30 "Preschool" (Cadence)
9:45 Math Lesson/Spelling Power (Jacob)
10:25 Reading Lesson (Gabriel)
Work alone (Jacob)
10:45 Latin/Typing (Jacob)
11:30 Read aloud
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Quiet Time
(my chance to read, play gutiar, plan for school, practice Karate, pay bills, return calls, and maybe play Dr. Mario)
2:00 Typing (Gabe)
2:30 Review Math, reading and vocab (Jacob)

Then I have to correct work and think about dinner. Sometimes, if Cadence wakes up early enough from nap, I can get some laundry put away before I go get Todd (or he comes home). It's not unusual for me to finish correcting work while I eat dinner.

I am trying to get back into the swing of posting...but right now I need to go teach!


charmed1 said...

You act like you've been busy or something ;)

JB said...

Oh yeah, educating your children. Taking time to be a good mom is no excuse for being a blog slacker! :)

(Secretly you're my hero....homeschooling three totally different age and ability groups. You truly are Wonder Woman, spandex and all.)

BTW, I totally forgot this when we last talked. We looked everywhere for Jacob's MP3 player, no luck. BUT by Christmas We'll have one extra Ipod in the house. Nothing fancy, a second generation Nano but it works. Let me know if you want it and it's yours. (Shhh...don't mention anything to Cor. He doesn't know he's getting a new one.)

Sheri said...

I hear you being a mom and a teacher is a TON of work!

Way to go Kelly!