Jun 5, 2009

A quick update

I realize I have gotten out of the habit again... I would like to say there has been nothing to blog about, but that would not be true. Since my last entry we had a great vacation, Gabriel got hit by a car (and walked away without a scratch), I got my yellow belt, and we got to see the baby at my mid-pregnancy sonogram.

I'll just touch on the sonogram since that the was the latest event. Todd missed it, but my mom and all the kids came with me. The kids were completely fascinated watching the baby wiggle all around in there. It was trying really hard to suck its thumb and would kick in frustration when it didn't succeed. And yes, I will continue to refer to the baby as "it" or "number four" until its arrival. Todd and I really like the surprise when the baby is born.

I will leave you with a few pictures from our trip to Williamsburg...


JB said...

Woo-hoo! Baby pictures! You make me miss pregnancy... Almost. I know I've said it before but I'll say it again: your kids are adorable.

Sheri said...

Great pictures! So much going on!!! Glad everything is going well with your pregnancy!!! and the car accident- WOW!