Jul 16, 2008

Chistians What?

About a month ago I followed a link on a blog I read to get free copies of a couple of books. The only condition was that you post reviews on your own blog when you finished the books. I love books, and I love free stuff. To top it off, I had been hearing things about one of the books and was thinking about buying it. I have since finished Red Letters by Tom Davis (the book I really wanted to get) but am considering reading it a second time before I post - I want to really digest the stuff...

Anyway, I got an email from the author Tom Davis yesterday about an article he wrote for beliefnet. It is called "Why Christians S**k". I couldn't figure that out...I was thinking "seek" and I must have to read the article to figure out in what context "seek" is a bad word. Now, maybe you are smarter than me, but just in case your not, the word is SUCK. "Why Christians Suck" is almost like an introduction to the thinking behind Red Letters. And he's right, Christians do suck! Whether you are a "Christian" or not you should read the article and then make an effort to not suck.


charmed1 said...

I knew the word was "suck" before you said anything. I'm so smart! :)

Hannah said...

Hey Kelly, Tom Davis forwarded your blog link to me... he's out of town for a speaking engagement right now, so I thought I'd say hi. I'm Hannah, his sister in law -- and I work with Tom at Children's HopeChest. 'Why Christians Seek' made me laugh. Hey, are you friends with Brandi M? I think I spotted her blog link on your page. Anyhow, just curious.
Tom also wanted me to thank you for posting about Red Letters and the Beliefnet article. Well, have a wonderful day.
With joy,