Jul 3, 2008

Summer Reading

Aside from being my anniversary (which I remembered all by myself), July 1 kicked off our summer reading program. Jacob always gets excited about it, but this summer is extra exciting because Gabriel signed up too. They are supposed to be in kindergarten, but since we homeschool I can do whatever I want right? And he definitely reads better than most kindergartners.

My only concern was whether or not they would give my little man a library card (you sign in online with your card number to record reading). I didn't think he could do it, but Gabe wrote his first and last name on that little white strip on the back of the card - my four year old has his own library card! The librarian thought we should take him out for ice cream to celebrate, but we made due with the free movies at Carousel.

The only problem with the summer reading program is that now I can't get the boys to stop reading. Seriously, Jacob polished off 3 chapter books in one day. And Gabe? He got out a big stack of "Henry and Mudge" books - he was all excited when he realized that it was a series...he read all (5 or 6 I think) of them at quiet time. We had to go back to the library after we picked Todd up so the boys could claim prizes and get more books.

And of course Jacob is upset that Gabe is going to win the contest because I won't let Jacob read the really easy books like "Junie B. Jones" or little picture books. When I made the rule, I didn't anticipate Gabe reading as quickly as he did. So I got Gabe some books from "the big boy chapter book room" hopefully they can hold his interest and take a little longer to read!


charmed1 said...

I know how you feel when you try to find books to hold their interests. My girls read a few grade levels ahead and in school they have them tutor some of the older kids. Amazing little buggers,aren't they? :)

Sheri said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!

what a GREAT problem to have with the reading!!!! Go kids!