Feb 9, 2009

The Incredible Shrinking Woman

This past weekend, my sister and her family came to town! We went to the place they were staying for dinner Friday night. The family they were staying with has 11 kids! Only 5 still live at home, but most of the married ones live near by, so all of them (and all of their little kids) came over, too. My kids were excited to have so many playmates for the night.

As we were walking in the door, Jacob looked at my 15 year old niece, Nicole, and said, "Nicole, have you been shrinking? It looks like you shrunk." He was very serious, perhaps bordering on concerned. His big cousin was looking pretty small. Now, mind you, it has only been a month since we saw them.

We told Jacob that his cousin wasn't shrinking and he, in fact, was growing. He kept looking at her saying "But it really looks like you got smaller, Nicole. Are you sure didn't shrink?"

Our hostess, who has 9 boys, shook her head and said "That sounds like something a boy would say..."

I do have to admit, when I saw Jacob standing next to Nicole it did look like she shrunk! He is getting awfully close to her. The more I thought about this, the less I liked it. You see, two years ago my Nicole got taller than me. She celebrated by buying me a shirt that said "shorty"! Yesterday I measured. He is only around 4' 7", and come in around 5'2". I think I should have at least one more year of being taller than my firstborn.


charmed1 said...

I feel your pain. By next year I will probably be looking up at my first born! Where is the justice in that?!?!

Sheri said...

awwwwwwwwwww- thats really funny! I think I still ahev time- but I know it flies by..........