Mar 29, 2008

Holiday Pics

It took me almost a week to free them from my camera, but here are a few pics of the kids from Easter. People at church get a kick out the way our kids love to dress up. The boys almost always wear ties to church, and of course Cadence wants the prettiest, frilliest dress in the closet every day.

We had a nice, quiet Easter which makes it easy to focus on the things that matter - Jesus and family. We did a little egg hunt in the yard (the kids LOVE that part of Easter). I didn't manage to get a picture of Jacob looking for eggs because (even though I hid his a LOT better) he didn't need much help finding his eggs. I cooked a ham for dinner and my mom and Nate stopped by with some dessert.

Notice the hole in our fence in the picture with Cadence? That is from our neighbors having a New Years Eve bonfire! I guess they were running out of wood...

And I leave you with this - a picture of three of my favorite people in all the world. I wish you could see Jacob's outfit better, the boys both had black suits and matching ties (different color shirts). Todd even wore a suit to church so he could match too! Do you know how hard it is to get all three kids to look at the camera? I don't - because I don't think I've ever managed. I believe that it may be impossible.

And tell me, have you ever seen an uglier couch? It was $17 at the Rescue Mission (after Todd's discount, of course!)


Sheri said...

LOVE THEM! THe kids are sooo cute! ties and frilly dresses:)!!!!

Really what a sweet family!

charmed1 said...

I want a professional pic done of the kids but I can just imagine what it would take to get 5 kids to sit still and all look at the camera at the same time. The kids look adorable! And yes,that couch is ugly. Buy it a slipcover! :)