Apr 13, 2007

Splash Lagoon

Everyone (including Todd) is down for a nap, so I have some time to myself. I've been thinking a lot lately about a day of rest. I don't think that "Remember the Sabath and keep it holy" refers to setting aside an hour or two to attend church on Sunday morning. I think that the way we were created, we need rest. God meant for us to regularly take time to recharge and spend time relaxing with our families (and maybe friends). In our society, relaxing is almost a lost do we forsake this God given command in order to pursue the God of self? Any thoughts on this are welcome.

All right, enough of my ranting. As promised, here are some pictures from our little trip to Splash Lagoon. We didn't take many pictures because I was worried that the camera would get wet or stolen

One thing that we discovered on this trip is that Jacob DOES NOT like water slides. People who know him tend to be surprised by this fact. You see, Jacob is ADHD with emphasis on the H(yper). He is mister crazy, all over the place, bouncing off walls. He is always playing superheros or fighting the bad guys...he is all boy and then some. So from the time he was very small we all assumed that he would be one of those kids who participates in "thrill-seeking behavior". You know, roller coasters, bridge jumping, fast cars...But oh, no! Wherever there is danger, Jacob will not be!!!! I bribed him to go down one water slide with me (thinking that once he did it he would realize how fun it is and want to do it over and over again - like me). It was a tube ride, and we went in a double tube. When we got to the bottom he said "I don't ever want to do that again. I felt like I was going to throw up." Both of little kids loved going down the big slides, but Jake was more than happy to just play in the pool. And I thought it a little odd, but he also liked playing in the little area where they had water squirting out of the ground, which you can see in the picture.

They had one wading pool with kiddie slides, which is where I spent most of my time. Gabriel would only go down these slides with Todd, and even then, there were other things he would rather do than go down a slide. But then there is Cadence. My family all call her "Kelly junior". She insisted on going down by herself, and I would stand at the bottom to catch her. The second I set her down, she would run (usually laughing) right back up the stairs to the top of the slide. Then she would stand there and yell at all the other kids "MY SLIDE, MY SLIDE" and give them various directions as she emphatically pointed her finger and waved her arm. I wish we had video of it...But then eventually, some older kid would help her get situated at the top of the slide and down she came.

So I guess if I ever want anyone to go bungee jumping or skydiving with, it will be my daughter. Yes, God must have a sense of humor. I wanted all boys, because I thought that my boys and I could have a lot of fun together - I love sports, I like to fix things, and of course the faster and more dangerous the better (although children have mellowed me a great deal, I do still enjoy things like crazy roller coasters). I didn't think that I could handle a daughter, but now that I have her I am very grateful for her. God knew just what I needed.

It was really a great little getaway. We had a lot of fun together just relaxing. There was no agenda to follow, no place that we had to get to at a certain time. We really enjoyed each other. Sometimes vacations can be full of stress - you get so caught up in wanting everyone to have a good time that you forget to relax. My goal is to make every vacation like this one!


charmed1 said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast. My family needs a vacation like that but finding the time to take it is the problem. Maybe someday...

Anonymous said...

You write very well.