Aug 31, 2008

The Ranch, part 3

Okay, here is the last of the vacation pictures. Lets start with the swim cap, shall we? It was undoubtedly one of the highlights of our week.

It all started while we were watching Michael Phelps work his Olympic magic. I commented on the funny bathing suits that the men were wearing, which led to a discussion about how swim caps make you faster...and then Roger (my brother-in-law) put a swim cap on - to help him think faster or something. My niece, Nicole was kind enough to point out to her father that the swim cap made him look "special". From that point we launched into all kinds of politically incorrect jokes that included the short bus Roger drives around the ranch.

The swim caps kept reappearing all week long, on the heads of various people in the house. Now, some of you may not realize that Todd is something of a rock star at the ranch! Several years ago, he recorded an album ( Click here to get a listen, I suggest tracks 5 and 11), and that album has a hidden track. And, much to his mother's dismay... that hidden track is hilarious and catchy. Before they were on staff, Cathy and Roger had played the hidden track for some apprentices at the ranch. And then, every day for the entire year, that song would get stuck in someone's head.

While most of Todd's fans had graduated and moved on, a few stayed around for a second year. And of those remaining was the guy who announced the weather and told jokes (in character as Eustice the weatherman) to the whole camp each morning. He was beside himself with excitement when he realized he could sing the circus song with Todd accompanying him. And what did they wear for the performance? Swim caps! Someone took some video, but I haven't been able to get a hold of it yet.

Other than that, we experienced the confidence course and went to the beach. The first confidence course activity involved a whole bunch of tire swings, and the whole family was supposed to get across the swings without touching the ground. And you can't say anything negative to anyone else in the process. It is much harder than it sounds!!!

And, now for the picture Todd said I had to post - it really isn't as funny as he thought it would be...


charmed1 said...

It sounds like you guys had so much fun! I'd love to do something like that sometime. Love the swim caps :)

Sheri said...

:) NICE!! You are a good sport for posting the "funny Todd picture"