Nov 13, 2008

Quarter Report

Well, we are now officially one quarter of the way through a new school year. The report has been typed up and sent off in the mail. And I'm still standing (yeah, yeah, yeah).

I have to say that my boys are loving early American History. Thank you Sonlight!!! Gabriel (my 4 year old) was reading a Junie B. Jones book about a Columbus Day play and he came to tell me that the book was wrong because it talked about Queen Elizabeth but spelled it wrong and Elizabeth didn't have anything to do with Columbus. Because he knows that she was the queen a hundred years later when Roanoke was settled. After a minute I realized that it must say Isabella, and reminded him that she was queen of Spain when Columbus sailed to the new world.

Not all subjects are going as well as history, but I think that we are off to a good start none the less. Latin is going fairly well. I am seeing improvements in Jacob's spelling even if they come slowly - I think switching to a true mastery approach for spelling has been a good thing. His writing has matured significantly this quarter.

It is math that really concerns me. He is good at math concepts. He understands new stuff quickly. But he can't remember math facts to save his life and he never works carefully through the steps of a problem. And so now, Mr. Math Whiz says he hates math! I am in the process of stepping back and trying to fix that, but I don't have complete confidence in myself here.

And lest I leave Cadence out, at three and a half she can finally count consistently to five, and sometimes even gets to ten. That is after us counting with her several time a day for months. She also has learned to recognize the letter "m". It is the only letter she knows, but knows "big M, little m". I think Super Why taught her that, 'cuz I decided to give up on letters until she figured out how to count.


charmed1 said...

You are so Super Mom! I loved Latin in school! Glad the kids are doing well. I should send Jordan over for History. He loves it!

Kelly (Arnold) Young said...

Gee, thanks. Just don't come look at my bathroom, or my bedroom, or just don't come anywhere near my house because this super mom doesn't always keep up with the housework!

Did you know that Latin is really helpful with logical thinking? Maybe that is why we are so much smarter than the rest of the world.

Luke Holzmann said...

Glad history is going so well! May that continue [smile].

As for math... I know it helped me to get a different type math program (I was totally bored with Saxon by the time I hit Algebra). Once I got into a program with more color and application, I was much happier.

May you find a solution that works!


Sheri said...

WOW! You go!!! That Gab must keep you on your toes!!!! FEW!!!!!! I still can't beleive he reads Juni B jones books!